Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yasmeen's Birthday Party

Once upon a birthday, in a place not far away...
A birthday girl was hoping that you'd join her on her day!

Yasmeen Shelley Stott
Date: 01.22.2011
Time: 3:00-5:00 p.m.

A lot of work before a the princess party starts.  Mom baking, cleaning, and dad and skyler helping a lot.

We asked the princess snow white (Yasmeen) to take a nap, and she went all by herself upstairs and took a nap.

She only woke up after the 1st princess Katie Goode arrived.

We dressed up Yasmeen as Snow White.

All the girls had their nails done by Diana Hopkins and their makeup done by Deseree Sowell.

The girls had so much fun.

Yasmeen's doll cake:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


We were visiting Ana Lucia's sister and Skyler kept pestering me, come here dad.  After about 5 times of me brushing him off, I realized it was important.  He pulled me into the bathroom right off the kitchen saying he didn't know how to shut the latch on the door, and was embarrassed to go to the bathroom with everyone standing in the Kitchen.  Standing inside of the bathroom, I latched the door, and said, "see easy".  When I realized he was going number 2 I said, "hey i've you're going to take a dump, I'm going to wait outside" and scooted quickly out.  In a panic from me opening the door to get out, Skyler jumped up to shut the door.  By this time he was in full force, and had been pestering me for quite a while.  Needless to say, this was quite an accident, ALL over the bathroom.  Like a cannon of crap, the toilet seat, floor, even walls (thanks brazilian food on an american stomach).  Skyler went into even more of a frantic scream once he realized what happened and started screaming hysterically.  Yes, your and my nightmare, you visit someone's house and cause a huge accident in the bathroom.  With all the screaming, every Brazilian woman (brazilian women, especially relatives have no problem seeing or being seen naked) in the house came running, including Yasmeen.  Ana Lucia's sister immediatly knew what happened and tried pushing the door open, but this put Skyler into more of a frantic, because his drawers were down to his ankles and he was trying with all his might to keep the door shut, unfortunately he was sliding around in the mess.  So I slipped in the bathroom to see the mess.  Yasmeen came following and Skyler in his frantic went to close the door, pinching Yasmeen's fingers.  Yasmeen gave out a blood curdling scream and now I've got two kids screaming at the top of their lungs.  Long story short, there is never a dull day when you're in Brazil.  What did Skyler expect, a door knob, no in Brazil we have latches.

Monday, April 19, 2010


I really felt old tonight.  Skyler asked how many years until I'm going to be a grandpa.  I guess it's better than him saying, surprise, you're going to be a grandpa, but not by much.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I gave the kids a muffin this morning.  Ana Lucia said, "Oh good, those are healthy, they're made out of Holy Heat."  That's Ana Lucia speak for Whole Wheat.  Of course I never corrected her on it, I just find things like that entertaining.  Good thing she got her braces off or she'd still be telling people she doesn't like her breasts.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ana Lucia

Ever since Ana Lucia and I got married, she's loved the idea of bed in a bag.  I've talk her out of no fewer than one per week since June 18th 2003.  We went to Walmart tonight and I saw Ana Lucia come around the corner with a, you named it, bed in a bag.  I looked at it and said, hum, maybe we should think about it overnight to decide if we really want it.  She said, yes I already have been thinking about it all week, that's why I want it.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Skyler noticed my adam's apple.  I told him it was my laryngeal prominence (gotta get him ready for dental school in 20 years), or my adam's apple.  He asked, why don't I have one.  I told him he'd get one as soon as he went through puberty.  "Is puberty a school?" he asked. 

As we arrived at church I looked at the parking lot and saw a bunch of empty parking spots and said, wow, not many people at church this week.  Skyler replied in the same breath, yeah, but there are a lot of free parking spots.  Glad to have someone around to always look on the bright side of things.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Skyler is Ana Lucia's son, here's proof.

I asked Skyler when he got off the bus how "Shkool" was since we'd just learned why it wasn't s-ch-ool, but skool. So Skyler started using the same thing, everything that started with S, he put an Sh at the beginning. All fun and games until he started telling Yasmeen to s*it right here, and every other combination of s*it imaginable. I decided not to even call him out, and I just laughed back in the hallway. Reminded me of Ana Lucia telling the 2nd counselor in the bishopric that she didn't like her braces, but came out as I don't like my breasts.